Overall, the objective of our public charitable trust is to work towards the welfare of society and make a positive impact in the community These are also reflected by the registered deed of the trust which are as follows: The main/overall objects of the Trust are to promote Arts, Cultural, Sports, and Recreational activities specially for the Persons with Disabilities, marginalized and underprivileged persons in the society in an accessible manner, for their empowerment, and/or placement, and/or rehabilitation. In order to achieve/follow the main/overall objects the specific objects are drawn which are as follows. All the specific objects are subject to the main/overall objects except otherwise specifically mentioned in the Trust Deed.

  • Construction and running of various resource centres for persons with disabilities to promote accessibility and barrier free environment.
  • Carry out any activity that may empower and rehabilitate persons with disabilities along with other beneficiaries, including construction and running of educational and vocational training, creation of accessible reading material, counselling services, and conduct or coordinate various activities to suitable provide exposure.
  • To Undertake or coordinate survey, research, consultancy services and other similar activities.
  • To undertake the responsibilities to work or assist in the law and policy matter with organizations to ensure the accessibility and reasonable opportunities for the mainstreaming of the beneficiaries in the society.
  • To facilitate the employment related activities by ensuring the reasonable and accessible environment which are essentially required to provide reasonable opportunity and help them to perform day-to-day activities in their work place.
  • To organize or conduct awareness (IEC activities) in the society and provide advocacy for creation of a barrier free environment.
  • To organize or coordinate seminar, webinar or similar activities of regional, national and international level.
  • To provide health services, subsidized food or ration and shelter for the aged persons.
  • To provide, or assist to provide financial assistance to the needy and deserving students for pursuing education, vocational training/skill development etc.
  • To establish, run, maintain, support, and help to promote education and scientific research and development including R & D on Assistive Technology.
  • To promote, establish, support, run, maintain and help to institutions for the promotion of science, literature, music, drama and fine arts.
  • To take up any other activities which may be decided by the Board of Trustees from time to time, which are not against the objects and basic principles of this Trust as mentioned in this Trust deed.